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Website Migration Service

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Website Migration Service

Migrating your website from one host to another host can seem like a big chore but it is really easy to do if you use our website migration service.

Migrating your website from one host to another host can seem like a big chore but it is really easy to do if you use our website migration service.
People change their web hosts all the time, for various reasons. Some are simply dissatisfied with the speed or quality of the content network distribution systems. Others find the same quality of service at a lower price or with more convenient payment terms.
If you find yourself in this situation, then it’s a good time to look for a better web hosting company. However, transferring your website can seem like a complicated task. 75% of all websites lose traffic after a website migration, don’t let this happen to you.
The Website Migration service includes:
  1. – Identifying all key resources on source server.
  2. – Performing backups.
  3. – General review on destination server to confirm it has the required services in current versions.
  4. – Migrating files to destination server.
  5. – Restoring backups.
  6. – Configuring services.
  7. – Performing tests and analysis to confirm full website migration.

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